Post by Tommy GunnI must say I'm absolutely gutted.
He has been my hero at the Boro from day one, and, although I realise he
couldn't stay forever, I would have preferred him to go in 3-4 years time,
back to Brazil following a tearful testimonial against Brazil.
I feel that with the UEFA Cup, and all the other competitions we are in this
year, a large squad, including the little fella, is vital.
The only consolation is that he hasn't gone to another Premiership team, and
Celtic are my "Scottish team".
Goodbye, and thanks for the memories.
John Hodgson
Post by we areJuno deal close Aug 25 2004
By Evening Gazette
Celtic are hoping to complete the signing of Boro midfielder
Post by we arepictured, today.
Negotiations with Boro over a severance deal are said to be nearing
Post by we areclose.
The 31-year-old World Cup winner will travel to Glasgow to be
Post by we areat a press conference, and Juninho should make his Celtic bow in Sunday's
Old Firm game.
He was a mercenary...nothing more. He sat on the pitch when we gpt
relegated and cried crocodile tears -he was the first one out the door.
Leaving lots of little tots with tears in their eyes and 'juninho' on
there shirts.
Then when he came back the second time there was prolonged negotiations
before he returned to his 'beloved boro'
The third time he came back,again prolonged negotiations, with an offer
from Aston Villa used as the lever to get what he wanted.
Now once again he has negotiated a deal, which means even more money
leaving his 'beloved boro'.
You can have your memories, I won't begrudge you them, but to say he was
a committed Boro player, à la John Hickton, Spike or Maddren you
obviously know nothing about Boro players or committment.
Good riddance to the little Sh*t